Welcome to our information and statistical page for CEF Europe ministry supporters.

CEF workers are encouraged to have their own group of ministry partners who pray for and give financially for them. This group is usually made up of church support as well as donations from friends and family members. Across Europe these gifts make up 95% of the income that CEF receives for ministry support. The remaining 5% still needed for ministry is called the SHORTFALL.


  • Shortfall budget for 2023: €660,000 62.07% 62.07%

Income to date: €409,670

Remaining need for 2023: €250,330

It is essential that CEF National Workers in Europe are fully trained, equipped and supported to enable them to reach as many of the precious children of Europe as possible with the Good News of The Gospel of Our LORD Jesus Christ.

Kingdom Builders believe they must do all within their remit to make this achievable. In light of this, Kingdom Builders in Ireland have made available a 50% Kingdom Match Fund to help encourage further support
of the Shortfall Ministry.

From 1st August 2022 the fund will offer a 50% supplement to all income from Europe.