Our Priority …

The majority of the donations given to the mission are used to support missionaries across Europe who take the Gospel to children on a regular basis. The impact that a full time worker has on children’s ministry in the area as they work together with volunteers from local churches is substantial and in many cases life changing.

Currently there are over 600 CEF missionaries in Europe and Central Asia

Each missionary is encouraged to find ministry partners who can pray and give as God enables. For some this covers all that they need to do the ministry. For others, due to the specifics of the economic or religious context in which they are serving, this is more difficult.

Are you one of those ministry partners that wants to know “Where is the greatest need?”

We praise the Lord for the ministry partners who in last years have asked about our greatest need across Europe. Their encouragement has enabled us, through monthly reporting and analysing to know where the needs are for supporting CEF workers. We called this need, the shortfall, the amount still required for full time workers to be fully supported to do their ministry.

We are looking for new ministry partners in Europe to help cover the shortfall  for ministry in Europe so that many more children will hear the Good News of the Gospel.

The SHORTFALL need for 2022 is €1,400,000.

Below you can see how much has been received to date:


  • Budget for 2022 €1,400,000 57.84% 57.84%

Income to date: €809,788

Remaining need for 2022: €590,212


Our vision is for groups of Kingdom Builders* in many countries across
Europe to help meet this need.


*Kingdom Builders refers to ministry partners who have been entrusted by God with resources to make a significant impact on Kingdom ministry as defined in the book The Shortfall by Chris Wright. For more information, you can order this book on amazon by clicking here.

Since CEF started in 1937, the founder Mr J. Irvin Overholzer, based his approach to ministry support on the principle “ASK GOD & TELL HIS PEOPLE”. This is a wonderful reminder to us today too!


  • We are committed to praying to God for provision and for Him to move the hearts of those who would give.


  • Someone in CEF (A Sower) who is the voice, speaking up for all CEF National Workers in Europe – telling His people of the need, asking them to partner with us in our endeavor to reach children with the Gospel.



  • His people – Kingdom Builders who have a heart like the Macedonians in 2 Corinthians 8, “Begging us earnestly for the favour of taking part in the relief of the saints” ( ESV )

We are sure that you would agree with us, that this is a story worth telling! God is at work, children are being reached with the Gospel and we would love for you to be involved and be blessed through your giving in all that God is doing across the region of EUROPE.

A Sower, a Kingdom Builder and a Shortfall

The Sower sows the seed

The Sower sows the seed – in our context, they are the person who shares the story of what God is doing in the ministry, and how others can participate in that, using their time, talents and resources.   The Sower knows that God is more concerned with the transformation of the heart than He is with a transaction of our resources.  

The Sowers job in CEF is not to persuade anyone to give, but to prayerfully share opportunities for others to partner in the ministry.   God has more than enough to supply all our needs for His work, and we look to Him.  

Partners with kingdom builders

People with a vision for the Gospel going forward. People who want to be involved in supporting those who are on mission with His Good News – promoting His Kingdom. These ministry partners come from many backgrounds and God uses their gifts, both big and small, to glorify Him.

To meet the shortfall

We have reports and data available that shows us which countries are in the most need and where your gift will be most effective. This is information that we can give to you on a monthly basis as finances are carefully reported and analysed.

The amount that is needed is also referred to as the SHORTFALL. This is not a debt, but rather a calculated need as we plan for the future.

Perhaps you know someone who would like to join in giving towards this shortfall?

This projected need means that we are looking for more generous givers across Europe, but it also means that more children are hearing the Good News of the Gospel! 

From our Ministry Partners

“Many times I am asked for advice on where to make a business investment and where would you make the best return on your investment (ROI). As a businessman, I know the safest and best places to invest. But as a Christian, I know of no greater investment, with no greater ROI than to support a missionary who is taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost. And that’s where I have been investing my money for the last 20 years.”

Commitment to Ministry Partners

Children in Europe will hear the Gospel and You will be Blessed

Our greatest commitment to you, is that we will do everything we can so that children in Europe will hear the Gospel message of our Lord Jesus Christ. Giving to CEF missionaries will result in children hearing the Gospel message and we are so thankful to God that He has given us this great privilege. We would love for you to join us.

Ultimately we trust that your giving will lead you on in a deeper relationship with God and that giving to Him will bring you deep joy as you continue to trust in your Heavenly Father for all that you need.

Accountability to God and man

“for we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man”

2 Corinthians 8:21

Your gift is a reminder that we serve a God who provides for His children and provides for His Word to be preached. We receive this gift from His Almighty hand and will ultimately give an account to Him for all that He has entrusted us with.

Our desire is that those supporting the ministry of CEF will feel confident in our stewardship of all that God entrusts to us. 

Transparency in Reporting

We have reports and data available that shows us which countries are in the most need and where your gift will be most effective. This information is updated on a monthly basis as finances are carefully reported and analysed. We make this information available to you, as a ministry partner to follow how we are stewarding the resources the Lord has entrusted to us. Click on the link to download the report summary.

If you would like more information, please contact us by clicking here.

Accountability Partnership

Accountability is a key component for us so you, as ministry partner are sure that we are stewarding your gifts well. We believe in integrity, accountability and transparency which brings Glory to God and blessing to all involved in His work.

We are blessed with ministry partners who say to us, “Thank you for letting us know about the needs.” and “Thank you for the privilege of serving God.” 

One such ministry partner said, “Don’t keep the privilege for serving God to yourselves. I want to give and I want to store up treasures in heaven. I want you to promise me that every time there is a financial need, please let me know about it.”

God has laid it on the hearts of Kingdom Builders to do all that they can to see the ministry go forward as they support with generosity and privilege. They are so committed to children hearing the Gospel that they have made themselves accountable to those taking the Gospel.



 Any gifts given through this partnership are given to the SHORTFALL account (details below) of CEF Europe, 100% of gifts which come into this account are used in their entirety for CEF workers across Europe.


Bank transfer information:

UBS AG, 8098 Zurich, Switzerland 

€ Account: CEF Europe (European Shortfall) 

IBAN: CH55 0024 5245 9257 2162 Q