It is a wonderful country where God is at work.
Read on and we’ll tell you why…


Years of communism in Romania taught Christians to share their faith. They did it well and they did it often. When communism fell, these faithful believers had freedom and opportunity. CEF worked in secret from the early 1970’s, joined with local believers to reach thousands of children. CEF was registered officially in 1994 and continues to serve the local church in training and providing materials for believers to teach children the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.


Everyone is friendly and evangelism is something that often happens naturally. Children attend our clubs and there is still interest in the Word of God!


“My Father is always working….” John 5:17


“During this week I learned that God sent the Lord Jesus Christ to solve the problem of our sins!”

“Thank you for coming to tell me about how I can
have my sins forgiven.”



Christmas! Everyone loves Christmas and it is well celebrated everywhere. It means that we have a wonderful opportunity to share about the true meaning of Christmas. Every year thousands of children hear about the Saviour at this time of year.


We still have some areas where there is no one to take the Gospel to children. A generation is growing up who have never heard of what God has done for them. There is also a lot of corruption. While this is not nice, often politicians are so busy with their own problems that we can continue to evangelise unhindered!